Alter Technology (anteriormente Optocap), es líder en el diseño, fabricación y prueba de módulos de alta fiabilidad de microelectrónica y optoelectrónica para entornos difíciles. Tenemos experiencia en una serie de mercados de alta confiabilidad y ambientes severos tales como...

Los aceleradores son el método aceptado para validar un dispositivo para volar. Las pruebas in vivo son una tarea compleja y costosa que se necesita para obtener información sobre cómo las fallas pueden propagarse a los productos primarios y monitorear que la respuesta de un...

The radiation hardness of modern electronic devices regarding the space radiation environment is characterized according to two main aspects: cumulated effects and single event effects. The parts radiation qualification process includes Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Total Non...

VA160 and VATA160 are used as front-end readout ASICs in the payloads of DAMPE. Both Laser pulse test and heavy ion beam test were conducted to get the SEL tolerance of the ASICs. Laser test was performed firstly to quality the SEL sensitivity because it is easy and ready at all...

Electronics systems designed for applications in high radiation environments, such as space missions, high energy accelerators and avionics, are subject to a radiation qualification process at component level which is often time consuming and expensive. The new CERN High energy...

New failure modes not observed in Silicon appear while testing SiC MOSFET and Schottky diodes and under heavy ions radiation. Gate damage in transistors remains undetected even monitoring drain current and gate leakage of the transistor under high voltage biasing conditions.