JARUS | Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems

The Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) is a group of experts from all around the world which purpose, in their own words is “to recommend a single set of technical, safety and operational requirements for all aspects linked to the safe operation of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). This requires review and consideration of existing regulations and other material applicable to manned aircraft, the analysis of the specific tasks linked to RPAS and the drafting of material to cover the unique features of RPAS”

This Entity has generated several documents and we would like to introduce some of them. In first place, the SORA PACKAGE describes a complete methodology for the risk Assessment of an operation.

There were published other 2 documents related with the certification specifications of RPAS: CS-LURS and CS-LUAS, referred to rotary and fixed wings respectively.

In these documents are considered all phases of the RPAS development, from the initial design until the final flight test.


The documents recommends a risk assessment methodology to establish a sufficient level of confidence that a specific operation can be conducted safely.

Along with the document there are two Annexes; Annex A – Guidelines on collecting and presenting system and operation information for a specific UAS operation and, Annex I – Glossary of Terms

Specific Operations Risk Assessment / SORA

May 1, 2018
SORA defines 12 steps to perform a safety risk assessment (is not as much as it seems!) for your drone operation. As a previous step (step 0) an initial evaluation must be done. At this stage we need to verify if we are operating under a standard scenario[1], under the “open” category (SORA is just for “specific” category operations!), and if local authorities provided any restriction to operate in the pretended area or if they had determinated that the UAS is “harmless” for risks.


November 28, 2017
Europe is working to ensure RPAS flight operation in safety terms. For this reason, JARUS has proposed this year a new methodology for risk assessment named “Specific Operation Risk Assessment” (SORA) for UAS operating under the specific category. Implementation of mitigation measures is also included as an essential part of the scope defined for this document. Alter Technology RPAS experts’ team, following the innovation line and the new European tends have incorporated the risk assessment based on SORA to our pool of services for the RPAS field to facilitate this evaluation task to our clients.


It provides recommendations for States to use for their own national legislation.

Concerning Certification Specification for Light Unmanned Aeroplane Systems