Drones Operational Safety

When we speak about drones operational safety plan, the goal is to fly without harsh risks for people on ground and other vehicles in the shared airspace.

Operational scenarios must be considered to identify all these risks and determinate the appropriate measures to mitigate and reduce potential hazards.

The Operational planning starts with the documentary preparation.


Flight permissions normally involves the elaboration and presentation of different documents according to national regulations. This documentation must be carefully verified to avoid a possible re-working in the elaboration of the technical dossier. In addition, a risk assessment methodology is necessary to analyse the operational environment.

At this point, Alter Technology is at the forefront concerning the development of different solutions for the related new challenges. Proposing SORA methodology as the applicable method for the specific category operations.

For the risk evaluation of the open category, the company takes into account the national regulation inside the UE, where the drone is intended to perform the declared activity.

Drones Operational Safety services were designed to assess potential hazards and related risks before performing a determinate activity, assuming a safe operation with a reduced probability of harm to third parties.

Our Services

Our experts will directly help you to develop and prepare the required documents to flight in the European airspace according to your national legislation and European recommendations.

Alter Technology professionals will verify and validate your technical dossier before its presentation.

Proposed by JARUS for the specific category operations and included in the future European regulatory framework developed by EASA, SORA is the official risk assessment methodology for the European Union.

In our company we are already applying this method for drone operations.

This process includes mitigation measures’ identification to ensure a safe operation we will propose mitigation measures based on European specifications and recommendations.

As a final stage, is important to verify and validate the performance of the drone system during a test flight.

Referred to the documental and technical inspections according to the activities performed by our customers, conducted against National or European standards.

The company will provide a Drone Operational Certificate of Compliance.

drones operational safety


With these drones’ services, stakeholders can get massive advantages:

  1. the assurance of the quality of your drone operational capabilities
  2. the operational efficiency will be optimized and the nonconformity (NC) probability reduced in official inspections (operators).


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