Alter Technology Representative Projects Britespace by Pawel Adamiec Britespace Specific projects Carbon and Climate Observation of Planet Earth: developing laser sources for the detection of greenhouse gases in future earth observation missions
Range of photonics parts Optoelectronic – Other Optical Components by Media ATN Optical AmplifiersEDFA SOA Optical Modulators Litium Niobate Optical Switches WDM Programmable Optical Elements Liquid Crystals Thermopiles Filters Coatings
Optoelectronic Resources – Optical Power Meters Optical Power Meters by Media ATN Diffuse power meter 250 nm to 2500 nm. Detectors Newport 818-SL & 818-IG: Calibrated for the 2835C power meter
Photonics Photonics – Evaluation technologies for harsh environment by Media ATN Alter Technology provides In house capabilities for complete characterization and environmental testing of any kind of photonic part including: