Vibration Tests on HI-ReL EEE Parts: Types of test and test flow for space applications. Depending of the intended application electrical components are exposed to either transitory or permanent dynamic mechanical stress which can impair the performance (e.g. mechanically...
Tag - Sine burst Testing
Sine Burst (SB) Testing is used for strength testing of aerospace hardware and is applicable to structural testing Agency-wide. It is an alternate to static pull and centrifuge tests.
The main advantage is that it can be implemented while hardware is on a shaker for other tests such as random or sine sweep vibration. It also imposes a lower number of cycles compared with a sine dwell or sweep. The test is particularly suitable for relatively stiff components or electronics boxes, instruments, or spacecraft.
However, there are risks involved since this test is performed with the shaker control in an open loop mode. These Identified risks can be mitigated by best practices.