Project: SiC Schottky Blocking Diode for BepiColombo Solar Array
Customer: ESA (European Space Agency)
Alter TEchnology as reference test house
- -Screening of a high number of devices under very harsh conditions: Custom testing setup
- -High Temperature: 270ºC
- -Low temp: -170ºC
- -High Voltage tests: 250V
- -High Power tests: 2.5A
Long lasting tests with constant monitoring of electrical parameters and temperature of each single diode.
500h monitoring of reverse biased diodes
Radiation testing of the devices
- -Gamma Radiation
- -Protons Radiation
- Heavy Ions Radiation
- (sensitivity recently discovered)
More ongoing radiation campaigns to understand the device degradation under heavy ions radiation.
Últimas entradas de Media ATN (ver todo)
- Inmunidad conducida - 20th mayo 2019
- Ensayos de Transitorios eléctricos - 2nd mayo 2019
- Ensayo Campo de RF radiado - 2nd mayo 2019