Drones Functional Safety Assessment

In line with electrical and electronic devices, drones are not an exception when we speak about guaranteeing the system’s optimal function. As is expected, functional safety evaluation is a critical and essential task.

Safety and reliability are two concepts that have gained importance over the years. There are several potential hazards around an RPAS operation. A functional evaluation is required with a minimum acceptance criterion to mitigate the associated risks from the development stage and the entire lifecycle.

At this point, we would like to explain the process to ensure the optimal performance of your drone system. From Alter Technology, we want to transmit the importance of developing a Drone Functional Safety Management Plan, where the needed process to accomplish the Standard requirements is identified, considering the existing risks and hazards, which will be mitigated with corrective measures. This Plan also includes systems Verification and Validation, audits, and Functional Safety assessment.

Drone Functional testing is also available as a prior service to verify the declared functions of a drone system: take-off and landing, drone navigation testing, flight modes, autonomy, etc.

We should always keep in mind the advantages related to Functional Safety. For example, the overcast reduction represents an essential benefit for the client, as the increment of the RPAS reliability lets us gain life for the system.


Functional Assessment Services (FAS) include two relevant aspects to ensure safe development of an RPAS:

Functional Safety Analysis is a necessary process beginning in the design phase to release your system from unacceptable risks or damage to people or the environment, either directly or indirectly.

Functional Testing is also necessary to verify the operational capabilities of the system.

 Our Services:

Functional Safety Management Plan (IEC 61508)

  • Identification of our customers’ product or process needs, including HW & SW, to accomplish the Standard requirements.
  • RPAS products’ safety risks and hazards identification, considering mitigation measures.
  • Verification and validation.
  • Functional Safety Audit and Assessment.

Functional testing

Functional compliance verification, according to declared RPAS functionalities :

  • Safe take-off and landing.
  • Flight modes.
  • Autonomy.


Drones CE Lab
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