Microsection analysis is performed on an assembled through-hole device as a part of failure analysis. Cross-section through the plane of interest can provide helpful information about solder defects, PCB inner layers, and internal construction. As a part of failure analysis, the...
The separation of the interest area has to be performed in such a way as to prevent any damage by deformation or input of heat. After cleaning, the specimen is encapsulated before the grinding process takes place.
High reliability assembled PCB prototypes as well as novel surface mounted devices (SMD) and mixed systems must be assessed according to well defined qualification test plans. Such high reliability verification programmes are not limited to just evaluate the robustness...
Pad Cratering One of the major failure modes encountered in PCB assembly is Pad cratering. This term is coined to describe a fracture at the pad/resin interface (adhesive failure) or within the resin beneath pads (cohesive failure) that extend along the whole pad length (see the...
In Alter Technology micro-sectioning is accomplished in a specifically dedicated laboratory and by ESA certified staff on PCB/SMD inspection. ESA selects those laboratories that according to the higher quality standards are recommended to perform such operations on SMT/PCB...
Plated Through Vias (PTV) are critical elements in PCB systems and special care must be paid during their inspection in order to ensure the reliability, as they are one the main factors that determine the PCB Quality. The functionality and reliability of PTVs are dictated by:...
Thermomechanical stress in PCB/PWBs is generated by the mismatch between the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the materials comprising the system. In general laminate material used for PCB fabrication, as well as other dielectric polymers, have larger CTE than metal...
Microsectioning and materialographic inspection are mandatory in different verification and qualification standards issued by international agencies and public bodies such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the Defense and Logistics Agency (MIL DLA specifications) and the IPC...