At Alter Technology, we can perform 3D characterization using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and the world’s most integrated and flexible test equipment for nondestructive 3D dimensional characterization, helping designers to get in-depth information about their prototypes. Continue reading

Microwave Laboratory Experts in design, packaging and testing of high reliability components Engineering Expertise The experience and technical knowledge achieved by our engineers in the last years is major lack for most space and harsh environment companies. Our engineering... Continue reading

The use of differential (or balanced) digital and analog circuits for information processing has increased in recent years . When transmitting high-speed electrical signals, both the electromagnetic (EM) fields generated by the transmitted signals and the ground plane return... Continue reading

The procurement, evaluation, screening and lot acceptance of RF devices in leadless SMD packages to be used in spacecraft applications show unexpected difficulties whenever degolding or retinning processes are required. This is associated to the induced lack of coplanarity in... Continue reading

A compact balanced-to-balanced diplexer composed of two balanced bandpass filters is proposed in this letter. The balanced filters are implemented using compact edge-coupled square split-ring resonators. The design methodology is based on the standard coupled-resonators filter... Continue reading

SOLDERLESS MEASUREMENTS ON MICROWAVE. Screening activities for space applications requires extreme care during the manipulation of the EEE parts to be assembled on a spacecraft. This means that special attention shall be paid to avoid damages on the pieces and any contamination... Continue reading