Very extreme temperature testing
Alter Technology has developed specific capabilities to support very extreme temperature testing on the full range of parts, equipments and materials
- Several cryogenic chambers with temperature range -185ºC to +315ºC
- Open-air thermal tables with humidity control
- Customized thermal profile and temperature increase rate up to +48ºC/min
- Specific feedthrough for the electrical, optical and mechanical parameters read & record and continuous monitoring
- Thermal vacuum up to 2·10-7 mbars
- Combined radiation environment test (TD and SEE)
- Custom setup for combined testing (radiation + temperature + vacuum + mechanical stress + …)

Parts evaluation for Mars environment related applications
Cryogenic chambers available:
200 x 200 x 250 mm (4 chambers)
300 x 300 x 400 mm (1 chamber)
Thermal profile shape: as per customer requirements
Temperature range: -184ºC (limited by LN2) to + 200ºC (limited by vacuum rings)
Achievable vacuum level:
- Fully customized up to <2·10-6mbars
Temperature increase rate:
- Controllable up to approx. 2ºC/min
Valves for breaking vacuum with clean gas (normally nitrogen)

Extreme temperature and vacuum testing capabilities
Valves for breaking vacuum with clean gas (normally nitrogen)
Available vacuum feedthroughs:
- Electrical (DB25 and DB9 connectors)
- Optical feedthrough for fibers
- Multimode (400nm to 2100nm)
- Monomode (1550nm, 850nm…)
- RF-feedthrough (upon request)
- Thermocouples
- Windows for non-fiber lasers
Diode characterization – High Voltage resources
- Keithley SMU High Voltage Supply 2657A (3000V, 20 mA)
- Hitek Power OL1K (40kV, 25mA)