The STMicroelectronics perspective on Radiation test
The STMicroelectronics perspective on radiation tests.
Talk summary:
Things are starting to happen in the space market. For some projects the costs become a
determining factor and the radiation assurance should be rethought.
The manufacturers have to provide the qualified portfolio and should qualify new products in
answering agencies requirements and taking into account the new market trends.
STMicroelectronics presents here the constraints and the stakes is facing on.
Géraldine CHAUMONT is graduated Physics engineer from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de
Physique, (Strasbourg, France) in 2003.
After a 4 year experience as Process Engineer in Photolithography at ST Crolles, France, she
joined ST in Rennes (France) as Product Engineer & Radiation Coordinator for Space and High
Reliability Products, where she became after few years manager of the analog and discrete
devices team, in addition to the radiation activities
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