Development and validation of test environments dedicated to non-standard EEE Parts
The world of electronic devices is a very extensive discipline, covering a wide range of products with very different characteristics and testing needs. Some of them require dedicated test approaches that are specific to the function, technology and failure modes of each device. For example, the harmful effect that certain current impulses can generate on tantalum capacitors is known, which makes it necessary to design a test environment that allows analyzing this effect.
But other families of devices: MEMS sensors, magnetic devices, electromechanical components, …, etc., also require specific testing environments to evaluate their characteristics and their validity for certain applications.
Under this area we will develop tools and test environments to make possible the evaluation of this type of devices.
- Quantum Key Distribution - 7th November 2022
- Conducted Immunity - 20th May 2019
- Electrical transients Test - 2nd May 2019