radiation testing electronics parts

Radiation Testing Services Electronics Parts

Radiation Testing Services – RADLAB

Radiation testing (ionizing and nonionizing) effect is one of the main factors affecting the reliability of equipment and systems operating in space. However, there is also a growing interest for it in other technological fields such as avionics, high energy physics, automotive industry, nuclear industry, etc.

Radiation degrades EEE components and generates device perturbations that could lead to its malfunction or destruction. These effects are highly dependent on the radiation type: gamma radiation, heavy ions, protons, etc., but also on the device technology, the manufacturing lot and the working conditions.

radiation testing plan electronic parts

Alter Technology provides in-house radiation testing services which include test samples preparation, program and test board development as well as results reporting.

The areas covered by this test are the following:

  • Modelling and evaluation of space radiation environment
  • Radiation analysis at component level
  • Shielding calculations
  • Preparing radiation test procedures and plans
  • Performing the radiation test (including test samples preparation, program and test board development) and reporting
  • In-orbit SEU and error rates prediction
  • Support to user for radiation risk mitigation

RADLAB (Our new Cobalt-60 Radiation facility)

Total ionising dose gamma radiation testing is performed in our certified laboratory RADLAB.

  • DLA- MIL Laboratory Suitability
  • ISO/IEC 17025 certified
  • Low and high dose rate (from 0+ to >100 Krad (Si)/h)
  • Static and dynamic biasing
  • Remote conditions monitoring
  • Panoramic, cell and pool Co60 radiation sources
  • Coverage of all potential annealing and accelerated aging conditions
  • Large available area for multiple simultaneous testing

Heavy ions testing is associated with single event effects. Among others, we have extensive experience in:

  • Single event upset (SEU)
  • Single event transient (SET)
  • Single event latch-up (SEL), single event snap back (SESB)
  • Single event burn-out (SEB), single event gate rupture (SEGR)
  • Single event functional interrupt (SEFI)

Other types of tests can be performed, such as:

  • Proton testing: SEE and Displacement Damage
  • Laser test and pre-qualification activities (Cf252)
  • Neutron testing: accelerated soft error test (ASER)

Radiation Testing Facilities

A recognized Centre of Excellence for ESA and DLA (USA) for radiation testing.
Approved service provider to O.E.M.’s and Space Agencies worldwide.

  • A fully flexible source
  • Unlimited availability
  • Extensive electrical parameter measurement capability.
  • Full in-house control

Specialists in all aspects of
EEE component engineering,
procurement and testing of all
electronic components types
and systems for high
reliability applications

  • A recognized Centre of Excellence for ESA for radiation testing;
  • Approved service provider to O.E.M.’s and Space Agencies worldwide.


Alter Technology Radiation Testing Service

Custom radiation test plans generated reflecting your requirements, including, extensive data-sheet or procurement specification electrical parameter (DC, AC, functional test).

alter technology radlab services

Alter Technology provides a comprehensive Radiation Report, including the electrical measurement results, graphical plots of parameter performance, a detailed analysis of the results, culminating in a conclusion of the component performance.

EXPERIENCE – In Europe and Internationally

Alter Technology has accumulated significant experience, conducting more than 1000 radiation test campaigns over more than 27 years for ESA projects, and commercial Space Programmes for Space agencies worldwide. A selection some of those programmes are detailed below.

alter experience radiation test

Quality System

  • UNE-EN 9100:2010 ( QM for Aeroespace & Defense )
  • UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 ( QM Requirements )
  • UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2005 ( General requirements for Calibration & Testing )
  • UNE-EN-ISO 14001 ( Environment Management, On going )
  • UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 ( Product Conformance Evaluation )
  • ISO 17205
  • DLA- MIL Laboratory Suitability


pdf-icon_ssl Defense Logistics Agency
Land and Maritime
pdf-icon_ssl ENAC – Entidad Nacional de Acreditación: Acreditación 345/LE21E

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