Entangled photon pair generation There are many methods for generating photon pairs, but a non-linear process called Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) has become the gold standard and is the most mature. Continue reading

Quantum Key Distribution only supports low-key rates, so only small data rates are possible using one-time pad encryption. Quantum Key Distribution can be combined with a classical algorithm, such as an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to solve this limitation. European Space... Continue reading

In space-based relay quantum communication, the satellite is the trusted actor in charge of distributing the keys and being quantum; it has a higher degree of security since it can be verified if they are secret. Therefore, for this system, it is necessary to have a trusted... Continue reading

Optical transceivers employ fiber optic technology to convert electrical signals into light signals. Doing so can transmit the information in the optical fiber, traveling at very high speeds and long distances. A transceiver includes two parts: a transmitter, and a receiver... Continue reading

Optical transceiver is currently being used in communications satellites. On September 8, 2022, the first commercial satellite using optical interconnects was launched, called Eutelsat KONNECT VHTS, which hosts Thales Alenia Space DTP5G OBP, a processor with digital optical... Continue reading

Reaching the TRL 9 scale has encouraged designers to use this technology as a solution in their systems and thus improve them to manufacture satellites with enhanced characteristics that support the requirements of today’s world. Continue reading

Quantum communications offer many advantages for secure data transmissions, such as confidentiality, integrity and spy detectability. Quantum physics allows the encoding of information using the correlation between two or more particles (photons, atoms) thanks to quantum... Continue reading

Alter technology activities: Design and development of a custom camera Characterization of pixel performance On-line monitoring of electrical parameters and acquisition of images in different working conditions (radiation, temperature, vacuum) Radiation of image sensors Total... Continue reading

LED is a two-lead semiconductor light source. LEDs are small and are commonly used as indicator lamps in electronic devices Due to the increased design flexibility, efficient use of power and environmental benefits the use of LEDs as lighting, data communication and signalling... Continue reading

Development & Characterization of Optical and Photonics systems (Alter Technology): Optical programmable devices based on liquid crystals Transceiver for Quantum cryptography systems Photonic payload road map evaluation Full evaluation of CMOS image sensors Continue reading

Clean area with a laminar flow chamber (class 100) Optical table with vibration stability ESD free area 1064 nm, 1310 nm and 1550 nm lasers with a modulation option of up to 20 GHz Integrating sphere (250 – 2500 nm) and detectors Spectrum analyser (600 – 1750 nm, resolution 20... Continue reading

To study and predict radiation induced degradation of optoelectronic devices, with particular interest in image sensors based on APS (active pixel sensing) technology, as well as of InGaN, GaP and AlInGaP semiconductor materials. Continue reading