Presentation of two TFG July 12, 2018
Within the framework of the activities of the University Chair Alter Technology – University of Seville, two students of the School of Engineering of Seville have developed their curricular practices in our company and the activities developed have been presented as final degree projects, necessary to complete their practices cycles.
The works carried out have been:

José García Cervera
“Procedimiento de elaboración de ensayos para termistores para aplicaciones de vuelo
Author: José García Cervera
Tutor in Alter Technology: Francisco Javier Aparicio

Ramon José Soldado
“Detección de Sistemas de Monitorización de errores para ensayos de Vibración”.
Author: Ramon José Soldado
Tutor in Alter Technology: Alvaro Ricca
The final evaluation for the students on their works was With Honor.
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