Cryogenic Irradiation of a p-channel CCD at 153 K and Upcoming Irradiation Studies Cryogenic Irradiation of a p-channel CCD at 153 K and Upcoming Irradiation Studies. (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University). Talk summary: A number of recent studies have shown that... Continue reading

Radiation assurance test is very interesting, but also very complicated. It always needs joint efforts to find better solutions, and BMTI is looking forward to collaborating with related partners to do this. Continue reading

Third party dice radiation test for a manufacturer has never been an easy thing thanks to the exigent requirement from the users and difficulties from the die side. Things are becoming worse since the semiconductor came into a sub-micron and deep sub-micron era. New challenges... Continue reading

The STMicroelectronics perspective on Radiation test The STMicroelectronics perspective on radiation tests. Talk summary: Things are starting to happen in the space market. For some projects the costs become a determining factor and the radiation assurance should be... Continue reading

A new issue (issue 5) of ESCC22900 TID test standard will be released this year. The changes will be presented. Then, study results about part to part and lot to lot TID sensitivity ariability on bipolar linear devices will be presented. Impact on sample size and testing... Continue reading

The radiation hardness of modern electronic devices regarding the space radiation environment is characterized according to two main aspects: cumulated effects and single event effects. The parts radiation qualification process includes Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Total Non... Continue reading

The Aerospace and Electronic Businees Unit is part of the Hirex Engineering, one of the Companies within the Alter Technology, owned by TÜV NORD. This engineer service, focus in radiation in electronic devices, shows a Test Vehicle TID. In order to advance the report, a few... Continue reading

The advent of the chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) technique has revolutionized the physics of particle accelerations. Compared to conventional accelerator, lasers can produce ultra short particle beams with high brilliance and broad energy spectrum. Moreover Laser technology... Continue reading

The Total Ionizing Dose (TID) radiation test on EEE parts involves a number of variables and processes which must be kept under control to ensure correct test execution and compliance with the used test method. From the test plan definition to the test report issue, proper... Continue reading

Given a general introduction on testing optical materials for use in radiation environments. A special emphasis is given to thin optical coatings, optical fibers, and fiber Bragg gratings. Here the test procedures are much more challenging than for bulk materials. The challenges... Continue reading

Space is a harsh environment due to vacuum, UV, temperature, vibration and radiation…etc. Before landing a space vehicle, devices and materials have to be tested at ground level in order to estimate the effect of all these parameters to know about irradiators. This is why, it is... Continue reading