Radiation Test Workshop Seville Spain Alter Technology

Radiation Test Workshop 2016

Radiation Test Workshop Seville Spain Alter Technology

All the Papers are available to download following the links.

31 st March


  • Joaquin Gómez Camacho, Director Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)
  • Jose Guadix, Director General of Technology Transfer, University of Seville (USE).
  • Miguel Ferrer, Institutional Coordinator of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC).
  • Philippe Calvel, RADECS Association President.
  • Gonzalo Fernández, Radiation Test Workshop Chair, ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD (ALTER)

Technical talks:

Session A: Radiation Test on Materials and Facilities

Chair: Yolanda Morilla (CNA)

  1. 9’30   The dedicated irradiators and facilities for material studies, Pierre García, TRAD, France
  2. 9’50   Radiation test on optical materials, Stefan Höffgen, Fraunhofer INT, Germany.
  3. 10’10 Quality Assurance and Safety at a TID Radiation test laboratory, Pedro Martín, ALTER TECHNOLOGY, Spain.
  4. 10’30 Laser-driven source for space applications at the Spanish Pulsed Lasers Centre (CLPU), José M. Álvarez Pastor, Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU), Spain

11’00 Coffee Break

Session B: TID issues 

Chair: Christian Poivey (ESA)

  1. 11’30  Digital Hi-speed 65 nm Test Vehicle for TID radiation test characterization. Frederic Tilhac. STmicroelectronics and Hirex Engineering, France.
  2. 11’50  Synergy effect SEE – TID on micro-electronic component, Lionel SALVI, TRAD, France.
  3. 12’10  Test Methods, Requirements, and Guidelines for Evaluation of TID Radiation Sensitivity of Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), Digital to Analog Converters (DAC). Frederic Tilhac, Hirex Engineering, France.
  4. 12’30  Total Ionizing Dose (TID) testing, Update on ESCC22900 and discussion on TID response variability (part to part and lot to lot) and impact on sampling size and test requirements. Christian Poivey, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands

13’15 Lunch

Session C: Component MFR views 

Chair: David Núñez (ALTER TECHNOLOGY)

  1. 14’30  The STMicroelectronics perspective on Radiation test. (Without oral presentation) Géraldine CHAUMONT, STMicroelectronics Rennes, France.
  2. 14’50  Radiation test strategies for a manufacturer using third party dice. Pierre Wang. 3D Plus, France.
  3. 15’10  Radiation Test experience at BMTI. Mr. ZHAO Yuanfu, BMTI , China
  4. 15’30  Cryogenic Irradiation of a p-channel CCD at 153 K and Upcoming Irradiation Studies  (Without oral presentation)  Jason.Gow,  The Open University, United Kingdom

Session D: SEE 

Chair: LIU Hongmin (NSSC)

  1. 16’20  Radiation Test to study the radiation tolerance and mitigation methods of front-end readout ASIC for DAMPE Mission. Mr. LIU Hongmin NSSC (National Space Science Center), China.
  2. 16’40  Experience on SEE testing of EEE parts (Memories, RF Power devices, etc.). Christian Binois & Mirko Rostewitz. Airbus D&S / Tesat.
  3. 17’00  Russian SEE test approach: available standards, test variables, difficulties and future trends. Pavel Chubunov. Branch of JSC URSC-ISDE, Russia.

1 April

Session E: Other Radiation test approaches.

Chair: Miguel Angel Aguirre (Universidad de Sevilla)

  1. 9’15     The Current State and Perspectives of Laser Radiation Hardness Investigation and Testing Techniques in Russia. Mr Andrey Egorov, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI), Specialized Electronic Systems (SPELS), Russia.
  2. 9’35     The NaoSat nanosatellite platform for in-flight radiation testing. J.A. Carrasco, EMXYS, Spain
  3. 9’55     Emulation and failure injection, a complement to Radiation Test. M.A. Aguirre, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  4. 10’45  Component and System Testing at the CHARM Mixed-Field Facility. Raffaello Secondo, CERN, Switzerland.
  5. Un-scheduled  A method of space radiation environment reliability prediction. Dongmei Chen, STEA – Beijing San-Talking Testing Engineering Academy Co. LTD, China.

11’05 Coffee Break

Session F: DD + SEE. 

Chair: Juan Cueto (Thales Alenia Space).

  1. 11’35  Experimental Study of Displacement Damage Test for Space Application. Mr. YU Qingku, CAST, China.
  2. 11’55  Working on the developing of a European standard for DD testing. Thierry Nuns, ONERA, France.
  3. 12’15  How approach a heavy ions test on a new device technology using SiC power devices as an example. Juan Moreno, ALTER TECHNOLOGY, Spain.
  4. 12’35  SEE testing on GaAs test vehicles. Methodology, Results and Derating. Lessons Learned. Luis de Pablo, Thales Alenia Space, Spain

12’55 Workshop Close-out

13’30 Lunch

15’30 Facilities Tour ( CNA and Alter Technology )


Radiation Test Workshop Seville Spain Alter Technology

RADECS Thematic Workshop: EEE Components Radiation Testing

The radiation testing on EEE components is a key recurrent activity, routinely performed during the parts procurement and evaluation, but under continuous discussion due to a number of factors:

  • The lack of standards or some insufficiently harmonized test requirements.
  • Frequent problems: test lead time and cost, radiation source availability, test results correlation, identifying device failure modes, etc.
  • New challenges: understanding the radiation behaviour of new materials (CSi, GaN, SiGe,…), higher device complexity, difficulties derived from lower device technology visibility, etc.

To discuss all these issues, a thematic workshop will take place on the 31st of March and the 1st of April 2016 in Seville, Spain.



Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

Tomas Alba Edison nº 7, 41092, Seville, Spain

radtest@altertechnology.com / #radtest2016 /


Radiation Test Workshop Seville Spain Alter Technology


Association Radecs Logo Alter Technology Tüv Nord Centro nacional de aceleradores
www.radecs-association.net www.altertechnology.com acdc.sav.us.es/cna/

Local Organizing Committee

  • Gonzalo Fernández         Radiation Test Workshop Chair (ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD S.A.U)
  • Joaquin Gómez                (CNA – CENTRO NACIONAL DE ACELERADORES)
  • David Núñez                     (ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD S.A.U)
  • Yolanda Morilla               (CNA – CENTRO NACIONAL DE ACELERADORES)
  • Marcia Arizaga                 (ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD S.A.U)
  • Gema Muñiz                     (CNA – CENTRO NACIONAL DE ACELERADORES)
  • José Maria Rábade          (ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD S.A.U)
  • Paloma Serrano               (ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD S.A.U)


european-space-agency onera  tesat airbus life-augmented hirex-engineering-logo trad tlisde 3dplus  logo-russ china-aeroespace-componentes-engineering-center fraunhofer beijing-microelectronics-technology-institute  nsse emxys cernuniversidad de sevillaspels centro-de-laseres-pulsados the-open-university beijing-shengtaoping-test-engineering-technology-research-institute


tradAssociation Radecs

Radiation Test Workshop Seville Spain Alter Technology

Radiation Test Workshop Outcome & Figures

1st April 2016, the Radiation Test workshop was ended with an overall satisfactory result. We thank to all the speakers, attendees and organizers which make this event possible and fruitful, producing enriching sessions and the right environment to make easier discussions and technical interchanges.

  • Attendees:

After 116 on-line registrations, 104 were confirmed at the registration desk, coming from twelve different countries: Spain, France, China, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Italy,…, and with representatives from well-known companies and institutions: ESA, CNES, CERN, TAS, AIRBUS D, TESAT, TRAD, MIER, INTA, CSIC,…., etc.

We want to specially thanks people from far away locations (Japan, China, Russia,…, etc.), which made long trips to attend our Radiation Test workshop event.

The attendee breakdown by country was:

attendees radiation test

  • Technical sessions:

The workshop technical content was split in 6 sessions, with an average of four talks each. A total of 24 presentations were scheduled. Two of them were not finally orally presented, but the presentations materials are available, and they are also uploaded.

  • Other workshop elements:

Coffees and lunches were served at CNA lobby, providing the time and the room to discuss the presented topics and other related subjects. In addition, a social dinner was offered in the Guadalquivir riverside, which was very well attended, and it was a perfect complement to the workshop.


Finally, a set of technical visits were organized to ALTER/CNA facilities Friday afternoon. More than 60 people expressed interest, and the visits were conducted in different groups trough diverse laboratories and facilities, with constructive technical discussions.

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Radiation Test Workshop Alter TechnologyRadiation Test WorkshopRadiation Test Workshop Open DayRadiation Test Workshop FraunhoferRadiation Test WorkshopRadiation Test Workshop Open Day
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